If you are considering using bark collars in Brisbane to address nuisance barking then you most likely already have a problem with excessive barking. The good news is there are various electronic collars that can help. However before you race out to buy bark collars in Brisbane, there are some rules you need to be aware of.
The Brisbane City Council recommends taking the following steps if your dog is barking excessively:
- Consult with your vet to rule out underlying issues which may be causing pain or distress.
- Increase exercise. Provide physical and mental stimulation to tire your dog out.
- Provide Stimulation – chew toys, food dispensers, bones, companionship either with other dogs or people, doggy day care
- Training – train your dog to only bark on command
- Good fencing design – (some dogs do better if they can’t see what’s going on, while for others not seeing what is going on makes them feel isolated. You will need to consider the personality of your dog when considering fence options).
- Keep your dog inside – reducing stimulus such as cats, and wildlife.
If these approaches fail and you are unable to be with your dog all the time, it might be time to consider a bark collar in Brisbane.
Responsible Care and Use of Animals
In Queensland there are currently no restrictions around the use of bark collars. The Queensland Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 was established to promote responsible care and use of animals. One of the standards relates to protecting animals from unreasonable pain.
This means that dog barking collars are permitted in Brisbane and Queensland so long as they do not inflict unreasonable pain. It then becomes the responsibility of the owner to find bark collars from Australia that do not inflict pain and have protective mechanisms such as bark forgiveness to ensure the bark collar stops sending signals to your dog if they are in distress for example.
Fortunately anti bark collars are available in Brisbane from Hidden Fence that have a number of mechanisms to ensure your dog is not harmed. These include:
- An electronic stimulus that trains your dog to stop barking. It feels a bit like the sensation from a tens machine and not at all like the shock sensation from an electric fence.
- An audible tone to remind the dog to stop barking.
- Vibration Settings
- Progressive or user controlled levels of e-stimulation
- Bark forgiveness with a delay before activating – allows dog to bark for an acceptable time
- Adjustable collar strap for comfort.
BT7 Bark Collar by Dogwatch
The BT7 Bark Collar by Dogwatch is the Bark Collar of Choice by Hidden Fence and their customers, and offers all of the features mentioned above. Hidden Fence also provides training videos and the option of professional training if you are having a persistent problem with nuisance barking. Hidden Fence is a reputable and trusted supplier of bark collars in Brisbane.

While the Brisbane City Council is proactive in recommending solutions for problem barking, they will be forced to act if the barking continues and complaints from your neighbours keep rolling in, ultimately resulting in fines and in the worst case scenario the rehoming or surrender of your dog.
As responsible dog owners, nuisance barking is a problem you will be forced to address.
Contact our team at Hidden Fence to discover how our bark collars can bring some peace to your Brisbane Home.