Barney was barking while we were away but once we got a Bark Collar it all stopped.
Here is the story …..
Barney was an exuberant labrador, something cross purchased from the RSPCA as a young puppy. He loved spending time with his adopted family. As there was someone home most of the time Barney was in his element and smothered with attention.

However, there were times when no one was home and during this time Barney developed separation anxiety, barking excessively while his owners were away. His owners were oblivious until the neighbours complained and threatened to report him to the council so something needed to be done quickly.
It was suggested to the owners that they try a barking collar to solve the problem. A couple of google searches later, Barney’s owners discovered Hidden Fence and turned to them for help. After understanding the problem, the team at Hidden Fence recommended an anti-barking collar. Within just a couple of hours, Barney very quickly learned his way around the dog training collar. It didn’t stop him barking completely, but it did stop him from barking excessively. Barney discovered he could do a very low growl and a couple of barks without setting off the electronic training collar. His owners experimented with the settings, starting at the lowest setting of sensitivity until they found an acceptable level that Barney understood. Needless to say, Barney’s neighbours were very happy with the outcome. Barney’s owners have recommended anti-barking collars to other people who were having the same problem.
It is not necessary for your dog to wear their barking collar all the time, especially if you are at home. As part of the training program, your dog becomes conditioned to behave in an acceptable way through positive reinforcement. Eventually, you may find that your dog does not need to wear the anti-barking collar at all because they have become conditioned to behave a certain way. If they start to relapse a little, the anti-barking collar can be reintroduced and the training protocol revisited. While this may sound time-consuming, you will be surprised by how quickly your dog responds.
It is important to see the anti-barking collar as a training tool and not a complete solution. If your pet is barking excessively there is usually an underlying problem and it is best to try and address problematic behaviour through training, positive reinforcement and perhaps modifying the environment. If all that fails a dog training collar can be very useful to disrupt the negative behaviour.
In Barney’s case, his family relocated and began working from home which meant the amount of time Barney needed to wear his anti-barking collar was greatly reduced.
If you are having a problem with your dog barking excessively, talk to our team about how our training collars can help you.
Contact us about a bark collar for your dog or click below to purchase.
Bark Collar BT7 DogWatch brand$195.00