In Brisbane, Queensland and in most states and territories throughout Australia, pet fences are compulsory for regulated breeds of dogs which are typically considered to be dangerous. In other settings the question around, are pet fences compulsory? is a bit of a grey area. To demonstrate, this article looks at the rules around pet fences in Brisbane.
The Brisbane City Council’s website states,
“A part of caring for your dog is ensuring that it has a safe, secure environment in which to live. Constructing an adequate fence around your property protects both your dog and your neighbourhood. Remember, this is a Council requirement. Failure to provide an adequate enclosure could result in a fine.” https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/pets-and-livestock/keeping-a-pet-in-brisbane/keeping-a-dog#fence
Their website goes on to state:
“Fencing should be:
- adequate to keep the dog contained on the premises (consider the size of your dog and whether they are a jumper, a digger or a climber)
- constructed of materials that are sufficiently strong to prevent your dog getting under, over or through it
- high enough to prevent jumping or climbing
- with gates that can be closed and latched to prevent the dog escaping
- accompanied by a barrier where required to prevent the dog from digging underneath it.”https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/pets-and-livestock/keeping-a-pet-in-brisbane/keeping-a-dog#fence
The interesting thing about these statements lies in the terminology used. Terms such as adequate fence, sufficiently strong, high enough, can be closed, where required – all require owners to make subjective interpretations around the Brisbane City Council’s rules around compulsory dog fences.

When it comes to compulsory cat fences, the rules/guidelines are also open to interpretation.
The Brisbane City Council Website states,
“Adequate enclosure – Know where your cat is
You must prevent your cat from wandering and causing a nuisance to neighbours. A cat enclosure is the best way to keep your cat safe. Your cat is less likely to be hurt in fights, pick up diseases, be hit by a car or cause a nuisance. A cat spraying or disrupting domestic or native animals may provoke anger from neighbours. They also risk collection by a Council officer.” https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/pets-and-livestock/keeping-a-pet-in-brisbane/keeping-a-cat
Once again the term “adequate” is vague. Council recommends modifying existing fencing, using cat runs and keeping the cat indoors. However specifics are not mandated.
“Council’s Animals Local Law 2017 requires a keeper of an animal to provide an enclosure and prevent the animal from wandering.” https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/pets-and-livestock/keeping-a-pet-in-brisbane/keeping-a-cat
With such vague regulations, the onus comes back onto the pet owner to make a judgement call about the best type of pet fence to use.
One new development in the pet fence arena is the emergence of electronic pet fences, virtual pet fences, hidden pet fences and invisible pet fences. All of these pet fences achieve containment and “prevent the animal from wandering” without the need for a physical barrier. These virtual dog and cat pet fences provide very effective containment in many situations, particularly where building a physical pet fence is not practical, affordable or aesthetically pleasing.
This is where it gets interesting: it can certainly be argued that virtual pet fences provide adequate containment, provide a virtual enclosure and prevent the animal from wandering.
Once again it falls on the pet owner to make these judgement calls.
Usually when a pet owner turns to virtual pet fences for a containment solution, it means that traditional forms of pet fencing have failed to contain their furry escape artist. Pet owners are embracing technology to provide “adequate” fencing and innovative solutions for their pets, such as the virtual dog and cat pet fences available through Hidden Fence in Brisbane and throughout Australia.
As a responsible pet owner looking for virtual solutions to solve inadequate pet fence issues, it could be worth keeping a record and photos of escape attempts by your cat or dog to demonstrate to Council that the recommended traditional fencing has failed and that you are being a responsible pet owner by turning to innovative technology for “adequate” pet fences.
If you have any questions about our virtual pet fences, please Contact Us