These days we have Hidden dog and cat fences’s but it wasn’t always the way. The history of electric fences goes back a long way. In 1886 the electric fence was first patented by David H Wilson in America. The electric fence patent included a system of protection, an alarm bell and telecommunications. However, this first attempt at an electric fence was not particularly successful. In the early1900’s electric fences were used by the Russian and German armies to protect their borders. There is evidence of electric fences being used as far back as the 1930s to control livestock in the USA and New Zealand. Since those early primitive days, electric fences have evolved significantly, with developments in electrical design and regulation. These improvements have led to more diverse applications and the development of related products, especially in relation to electric fences for dogs and electric fences for cats.

One of the limiting factors with traditional electric fences has been their lack of stability.
They can be easily knocked down by exuberant livestock or by farm machinery. This has led to the development of underground electric fences, sometimes referred to as hidden fences or invisible fences. Burying the fence eliminates the stability problem as well as improving accessibility and aesthetics.
Hardly surprising, it did not take long for the pet industry to adapt traditional electric fences into Hidden dog and cat fences. From as early as 1973 hidden fence systems became popular in America. The main difference with these hidden electric fences is they could be tailored to meet the needs of an individual cat or dog. With the use of an electronic emitting collar which also receives a coded radio signal, electronic dog and cat containment systems have evolved to be commonly used worldwide.
The Hidden Fence company in Australia has taken this Hidden Electric Dog and Cat Fences technology a step further by integrating the electronic hidden fence with proven training experience. Our team at Hidden Fence understands that specific installation and training protocols must work together to effectively contain cats and dogs. Neither a dog fence nor a cat fence will provide the desired outcome if training is not included as part of the containment process.
Part of the evolution of electric fences has been related to safety issues and increased regulation. For example, early electric fences had unpredictable voltage and no load peaks – potentially creating a very dangerous and uncomfortable experience. Even once these issues had been resolved, electric fences still produced a continuous pulsing electric current which promptly zapped anything or anyone who touched it. Livestock needed to physically touch the fence to complete the circuit and feel the warning signal The development of transmitters and collars worn by the target animal has eliminated this requirement, resulting in a safe and more pet-friendly system.

The experience for cats and dogs is now very safe and has little to no long term consequences. Virtual electric fences provide cats and dogs with clear, predictable and safe training cues. Used in conjunction with proper training protocols, hidden electric dog and cat fences are a very effective training aid and mechanism to help prevent cats and dogs from leaving home or entering no-go zones.
Our team at Hidden Fence can help you design an effective Hidden dog and cat fence. We can also provide complete installation and training for your pet as they come to understand the parameters of the virtual electric fence environment and what is considered safe, desirable and appropriate behaviour.
Talk to us about your particular requirements and how we could help your dog or cat fit into your lifestyle more appropriately. Every situation is different, so we customise solutions to suit you.
If you want to prevent your dog from escaping from your yard we have a few products that can help.
Cat Fence Indoor System – wireless and/or wiredFrom: $449.00
Wireless/Wired Dog Fence – MB2 Indoor Boundary$199.00
Cat Fence DIY- CATWATCH ® HIDDEN FENCE BrandFrom: $587.00
Electric Dog Fence DIY 1200FMD Hidden Fence – DOGWATCH® HIDDEN FENCE BrandFrom: $647.00
Electric Dog Fence DIY PT5 Smart Fence® App System – DOGWATCH® HIDDEN FENCE BrandFrom: $897.00
Wireless Dog Fence/ Cat Fence – MB1 Indoor/Outdoor Boundary – Rechargeable$179.00