The expression “like trying to herd cats” is used for very good reason. Cats are incredibly independent animals who are more likely to do whatever they want than what you want them to do. So, what do you do if you need to keep your cat contained in your backyard? Cat owners either choose to keep their cat inside or accept that if they let it out it will escape the yard and roam. What most cat owners don’t realise is that in a lot of places in Australia it is illegal to allow your cat to roam.
Technology offers a very effective solution to keeping your cat contained. A cat fence barrier that is available to keep your cat from roaming is an invisible cat fence. Invisible cat fences are repeatedly proving very effective at keeping even the most cunning cats secure. An invisible cat fence barrier combines a transmitter, perimeter wire and electronic collar to deter your cat from escaping.
CatWatch is an industry-leading cat electric fence or invisible barrier supplied by Hidden Fence. As an industry-leading pet fence, CatWatch is loaded with features that make it suitable for use with any cat in almost any home.
Features of the CatWatch Invisible Cat Fence
Catwatch is not a generic pet fence. It is an invisible cat fence perfect for use within Australia. The Catwatch cat fence system consists of an FM transmitter, perimeter wire and cat-specific collar.
Generic pet fence systems usually have a collar more suited to a medium or large breed of dog and not suitable for a cat. The M12R collar included with CatWatch is the smallest and lightest electric cat fence collar on the market in Australia. This ensures minimal impact and maximum comfort for your feline companion.
The FM Transmitter for the CatWatch cat fence barrier is specifically designed for minimal interference to avoid any unintentional signals being sent to the collar. With sufficient perimeter wire, the system can secure an area of up to 2-Acres in size.
The CatWatch is especially effective against the most determined cats. CatWatch is equipped with an exclusive and patented FastReact system. The sophisticated software determines your cat’s speed as they approach the boundary and triggers an electronic signal within 1/8th of a second if the cat’s speed suggests they are trying to escape.

How to Install CatWatch Cat Fence Barrier
The CatWatch pet fence system can be installed either DIY or with professional installation and training in any household in Australia.
If selecting the DIY option, a perimeter wire is placed on the edge of the containment area usually along a fence or boundary. The perimeter wire must be placed with consideration for the cat’s physical ability to climb and jump over objects. It is common therefore to loop the perimeter wire both along the bottom and top of a fence. Before the FM Transmitter is connected however and the collar fitted, it is recommended that the cat be trained and gradually introduced to the system.
The team at Hidden Fence has developed and used for almost 20 years an industry-leading training and conditioning protocol for cats. This protocol is designed to maximise the effectiveness of the invisible cat fence in the shortest timeframe possible. It is centred around gradually introducing the system to the cat first indoors and adjusting them to the electronic signal of the cat collar before allowing them outdoors with the system in place.
Professional installation is the perfect choice for more complex yards and more stubborn, adventurous or determined cats. A Hidden Fence professional consultant will visit your property and design an invisible cat fence system layout that is a perfect fit for you. This includes installation under driveways or over difficult terrain.
Once the cat electric fence has been installed the Hidden Fence professional will work with both you and the cat to discover the underlying reason for the escapes and use a combination of positive feedback and consequences in the program.
A properly installed cat fence in Australia prevents your cat from roaming keeping them and local wildlife safer. CatWatch pet containment system is a cat electric fence that is industry-leading and packed with features, making it suitable for all cats. Hidden Fence is the Australian supplier of the CatWatch system and has developed a specialised cat training protocol that has been delivered worldwide. Find out more about our cat fence barriers here, or contact Hidden Fence today to discuss how to contain your cat.